Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Here are a few of my New Year: wishes, resolutions & goals:
* blog more
* cape canaveral feb 11'
* yosemite
* visit my sister more
* straight A's this semester
* use 35mm more often
* learn to use the TLR aka buy a light meter
* cook at least 2 meals a month
* keep the room clean
* get a new phone
* organize my negatives
* try shooting slide film
* save up for eurotrip 2012
* find a way to coerce my boyfriend into coming with me to Japan : )

Any way, sorry for being boring, I didn't make it on the afternoon flight. Please cross your fingers I get out on the Red Eye.

: )


  1. Have fun, I'm extremely jealous!
    I like 'shot nail!
    Take lots of pics and post them, I hope all is going well..you need to update me :)

  2. your photos are LOVELY!!!
    and I think these resolutions are AMAZING
    and slide film is so much fun try cross processing it!
    I cant wait till we photoadventure someday!!
