Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We've decided to make the most of our weekends, since its pretty much the only time we have together, as of late. I'm always busy with school, work or trying to balance out my "social" life. So basically what I'm saying is I am currently living for Saturday & Sunday! Last Saturday Brandon took me whale watching on the Star of Honolulu. It was probably the craziest weekend date so far, we keep wondering how were going to top it?! I think this weekend were going to this pottery place, Brandon wants to redeem him self for his terrible purple pumpkin he made last time. I'm thinking of making a bowl or some kind of dish, we'll see, very excited as always. Thank god its already Wednesday. I'm almost there!

Any way you probably want to know if we saw any whales since there aren't any photos here of them, the answer is YES!! We saw 5 or 6 of them! One even came up underneath our boat, it was so loud & my boyfriend & I were right on top of it, scared me to say the least!!

We've also been looking for a place to visit, a mini vacation. Brandon keeps pushing for out of country but I don't know if thats plausible with the amount of time I'm investing in this "vacation," mini vacation haha. We'll see.

Hope everyone has been enjoying their week!

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