Saturday, March 31, 2012

Went to lunch today in town, used the left over bread to feed the fish, walked around for a bit then headed back home. Lunch was delicious Brandon surprised me and took me to one of my favorite places to eat!! Now I'm home, lazy, staring out the window watching the clouds roll by. If only I could pull my self from the cold sheets and make it to the beach, haha. Maybe tomorrow we'll be able to get out of the house again.

Hope everyones been having a nice weekend, this is one of the most relaxing for me in a long while :)



  1. what a beautiful day! Your photos capture such a lovely spirit to them! Great post <3

  2. i miss being able to go to the beach whenevers

  3. Caelan - :D finally, i love rain, but i love the sun twice as much! thank you :))))
    Wayne - have you been working a lot :(((( summer is almost here :D

  4. uh...ive been living in seattle since sept...haha

  5. hahahahahahahahahahahahah myyyyy baddddddd
